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To ensure this competition runs under fair conditions, we define the following participation rules.

  • Each participating team must be registered with one and only one account (Registration opens Jan. 16th, 2023)
  • The maximum team size is 8 people.
  • One team can update their prediction results in COCO format up to 10 times.
  • It is allowed to use additional publicly available third-party data, publicly available pre-trained models, or model ensembling for performance improvement.
  • Participants are not allowed to reverse engineer the ground truth of the competition validation set by any means, which will be treated as cheating and disqualify them from this competition.
  • Winning teams will be decided based on the rank in the leaderboard, which is determined by the mAP score.
  • Winning teams are strongly encouraged to release their code as open source.
  • Team mergers are not allowed.